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The safety of the player and his property inside Minecraft is a fairly important issue. Many players are deciding how to secure a territory in Minecraft. Most often, the territory will be private to protect against griefing.

About griefing and private

Unreliable players are found everywhere, Minecraft is no exception in this matter. For those who like to profit from the misfortune of other players and insult and humiliate them, there is even a special term – griefing.

If you can abstain from moral harm by simply ignoring the chat, then it is much more important to protect yourself from material harm. This is where the ability to hide and protect your territory and possessions from the eyes of scoundrels comes to the rescue.

As practice shows, in unprotected areas the doors to the house are broken and all things are taken away.

How to privatize a territory on a server in Minecraft

Defend your territory.

Anyone can make their own region within a region when the need arises. Typically, this function is used to protect your home and surrounding area.

  1. Open the chat and enter the command: //wand.
  2. After this, an ax appears in the inventory, with which you can select cube by cube and highlight the protected area.
  3. Next, you can set a name for the new region with the command: /region claim *, where the name of the region is written instead of *.

The resulting ax cannot be used to perform other actions.

Thanks to this, the region will be completely protected from the actions of other players. No outsider will be able to build or destroy anything on this territory, unless the owner himself adds another player to a private Minecraft account.

How to add a friend in private

You can add another player or friend to a private area in Main using various commands. For example, /region addmember *, where * is the name of the region, the player’s nickname. To remove access, use the code word removemember.

  1. Those who want to see all their guests in private must write the code word info.
  2. If the owner of a private wants to delete his region, enter delete.

In addition to code commands, you can use special flags using the word flag, each of which has its own purpose.

Three main purposes:

  • default settings (none);
  • prohibitions (allow);
  • permission (deny).


Video: How to remove from private in Minecraft.

Private in Minecraft is a ban on using an item or visiting a territory for all players on the server. Naturally, this feature only works in multiplayer mode, because in a single player game you don't need to protect your things so seriously. You can build a fence, install a door in your house, and not a single mob will get through to you. However, this cannot be guaranteed in multiplayer, where your opponents are not only mobs, but also real people who can climb over the fence and open the door. Private helps you prevent them from doing this. With the help of special ones, you can private both an entire region where other gamers cannot enter, and specific objects, such as a chest or door. However, there is one important aspect here. It often happens that you play not alone, but with your friends, but the private functions apply to absolutely everyone. And along with your opponents, your friends also get banned from visiting your territory. How to fix it? How to add a person to private in Minecraft?

Adding to private in the region

There are two types of private in Minecraft, which have already been described above. With one, you protect the territory, and with the other, specific items that can be opened. And if you are wondering how to add a person privately in Minecraft, then you should figure out exactly what restrictions you are going to remove, since everything has its own commands. If you are dealing with a region, then you will need the region addmember command, after which you will need to specify two values. The first is the name of your region, and the second is the nickname of the player to whom you are going to give access to the specified region. As you can see, everything is very simple. However, many gamers are wondering how to add a person to private in Minecraft so that he gets extended rights.

Adding an owner

The person who creates the region is its owner and can do absolutely everything: add, remove members and much more. Participants are only able to enter the territory and use the facilities located on it. However, in Minecraft it is possible to expand the rights of your friend whom you have already added to a private account in the region. This will require a completely different team. If you are wondering how to add a person to a private with advanced capabilities in Minecraft, then you need to replace the above command with region addowner. In this case, further values ​​must be preserved: it is necessary to indicate the name of the region, as well as the nickname of the player who will become your co-owner of the territory in Minecraft. How to add private to a region is now clear. But what to do with objects?

Adding to private for things

You can add a friend in private (Minecraft) very simply. To do this you will need a slightly different team and some knowledge. The fact is that you can set all permissions at the stage of activating private. In order to restrict access to an item, you need to select it and then type the cprivate command. It is able to function autonomously, without additional values. But you can also after it add the nicknames of those players who you want to allow to use the item. This is a fairly simple method, but if you didn’t know about it when you set up private, then you won’t be able to use it. There is another command for this.

Changing the privacy of things

So, if you already have an enchanted item, but you want to add permissions to it for other players, then you will need another command - cmodify, after which, of course, you need to register the nicknames of all players who will gain access.

Any player on the Squareland project can use a number of commands. To avoid confusion, they are divided into several categories: private, teleportation, trade and others.

To get a full arsenal of possibilities, it is advisable to study the Minecraft commands on the server for players. They make it easier to interact with the outside world, provide protection for buildings, allow you to trade, and help you become familiar with the rules and capabilities of the project. Chat switches to English key T. The command is entered in the format /team. Various spelling variations are separated by commas.

Basic set of commands for players

  • /info- General information.
  • /rules- Display a set of server laws.
  • /motd- Display daily messages.
  • /list, /online, /who, /playerlist- Show a list of online players.
  • /afk- Notify about absence.
  • /compass- Indicates which direction the player is moving.
  • /near, /nearby[distance] - Display a list of nearby people.
  • /getpos[nickname] - Displays the player's location.
  • /ignore[nickname] - The command turns on ignore.
  • /me[text] - Displays an informational message, adding the nickname to the beginning.
  • /msg, /tell, /m, /whisper[nickname] [text] - Personal.
  • /r, /reply[text] - Quick answer.
  • /seen[nickname] - Find out the last online time.
  • /whois[nickname] - The command will display information about the character.
  • /nick[nickname] - Change the display of nicknames.
  • /mail[nickname] [message_text] - Delivers a message via mail. read- Read, clear- Clear, send- Dispatch.
  • /suicide- Suicide.

Private in Minecraft

  • //wand- Get an ax made of wood, used when allocating territory. LMB- First point. RMB- Second point. So players can allocate an entire cube with blocks in which others are prohibited from building.
  • /region claim[Text] - Creation of a private territory with a name after completion of the delimitation operation.
  • /region addowner[Name] [Nickname] - Assign land to the player.
  • /region removeowner[Name] [Nickname] - Deprive ownership rights.
  • /region addmember[Name] [Nickname] - Command to add a player to the region.
  • /region removemember[Name] [Nickname] - Kick a player.
  • /region select[Name] - Select territory.
  • /region info[Title] - Basic information about the region.
  • /region remove[Name] - Remove region.
  • /cprivate[Names of players who should still have access] - Installing protection on hatches, dispensers, chests, doors in the selected region.
  • /cmodify[nickname] - The Minecraft command allows you to open access to items to the specified player.
  • /cpassword[Your password] - Activate the password for the above.
  • /cunlock- Open an item protected by a password.
  • /creamove- Deactivate protection and remove the password from the item.


  • /setspawn[group] - Select spawn location.
  • /spawn- Teleportation to spawn.
  • /back, /return- Return to the last teleportation point.
  • /sethome[name] - Setting up a teleport home.
  • /home[Nickname] [name] - Teleportation to home teleport.
  • /delhome, /remhome, /rmhome[name] - Deleting home teleport.
  • /createwarp, /setwarp[name_warp"a] - Creating a teleportation location.
  • /delwarp, /remwarp, /rmwarp[name_warp"a] - Deleting a teleportation location.
  • /warp[name_warp"a] [name] - Teleportation to a specified location.
  • /world[name] - Teleportation to another world.
  • /j, /jump- Teleportation to the location indicated by the sight.
  • /top- Teleportation command to the top of the tallest buildings in Minecraft.
  • /tp[Nickname1] [Nickname2], /tp [Nickname to whom tp] - Move to the desired player.
  • /tpa, /call[Nickname to whom tp] - Accepting consent to move.
  • /tpaccept, /tpyes[Nickname] - Confirmation of consent to move.
  • /tpdeny, /tpno- Refusal of consent to move.
  • /tpahere, /tphere, /s[Nickname] - Minecraft command to move a specific player.
  • /tpall[Nicknames] - Move multiple characters.
  • /tppos[x] [y] [z] - Teleport everyone to the coordinates.
  • /tpo[nickname] - Move to the character.


  • /balance, /bal, /emoney[Nickname] - View the amount of money.
  • /balancetop, /baltop[Number] - Check out the names of the richest people on the server.
  • /eco, /economy[Nickname] [Quantity] - Depending on the team: give- Give the player money, take- Take money from the character, reset- Make a character bankrupt.
  • /pay[Nickname] [Cost] - Pay the character with money.
  • /sell[Quantity], /sell - Sale: hand- Selling everything from the quick panel slot (keys 1-9), invent- Sale of all Minecraft items and blocks from inventory, blocks- Selling all blocks from inventory.
  • /setworth[Cost] - Set the cost.
  • /worth[Quantity] - Find out the cost of the item.

A server in Minecraft can be fraught with a lot of dangers. Therefore, it is better to play it with one or two friends, who will build a farm together, go into a mine, and share a diamond sword in battle.

Having marked and secured the area with the //reg claim command, you should think about registering other players in this area. They will then be able, together with the player himself, to break blocks, place chests and place stoves.

To register a player in a private region, you need to type the /region addmember command into the chat. The first part, , stands for the name of the district the player is being added to. For example, in Minecraft you can mark out several areas: a large area for farms and small ones for the players themselves. Then everyone will mark out their own private space, and the farm will become the common territory. The second part, , means the name of the player registered in private.

You also need to remember that installed chests will not depend on privacy in any way - only the owner can open them. The /cmodify command solves this problem on the server.

Video guide:

Protecting your property is the most important thing for gamers. If you have built a house and extracted a lot of resources, then you are unlikely to want to give them to other players. For this purpose, private was created. But what if you have a friend and want to hook him up with you? The sailor is with you and today I will tell you how to add a person to private in minecraft.

Protecting your region from other players.

Private is a territory in which there is a restriction on all functions. You can only walk there. After building a house online, it must be privately owned. It is very important.

Let me first tell you how to privatize a territory. We craft a wooden hatchet and allocate with it the area that we will privatize. Next, opening the chat, enter “/rg claim and the name of the area.”

Now we teleport the friend to us and can add him to private. You can add it to members and owners. The owner can also delete a private account and add users to it. To add a player to the membership using the command "/rg addmember [region name] [player nickname]". You can add owners in the same way, but instead of addmember you need to write addowner.

On some servers you can only add chests, buttons and doors to private.


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